“Our food must be Hygienic, Convenient and Health conscious” This is a simple statement for the team. To cook a simple decent meal requires more than just buying ingredients and cooking. MOOMGAPAO does simple things but in details; taking a holistic approach to quality ingredients throughout the cooking process till becomes convenient meals for everyone. Thailand is well-known as an agricultural powerhouse, we focus on ethically sourcing high-quality ingredients from trustworthy partners, such as 100% Jasmine rice, hot basil and herbs, quality meats, even the finest fresh eggs. Today, people are too busy for a proper meal, therefore, we commit ourselves to be a small part of a better society by providing health conscious simple dishes such as Gapao-rice.

It all began with Mr.Teerapol Rojthinnakorn and Ms.Pongkwan Tohsanguanpun, a couple who did not have time to cook and were weary of overpriced yet unhealthy junk food and unhygienic street food, decided to open a restaurant that serves simple dishes with quality ingredients at reasonable price. The first fast-casual Thai street food restaurant does not only serve healthy quick meals but also represents customers procuring local responsibly sourced ingredients. Moom (Thai word) means corner and Gapao represents the most widely consumed dish in Thailand; Gapao-rice. The co-founders have a vision of having new-standard-of-Thai-street-food restaurants at every corner, and here we are, MOOMGAPAO.

We mainly focus on setting a new standard for living through our fast casual Thai streetfood by ensuring that our foods must be as good quality as they should be, including no MSG added, less oil, low-sodium recipes.

Thai food is great; delicious and good for health. Everyone knows that. We want to change perception that Thai food is a formal, boring yet overpriced cuisine or unstandardized streetfood. MOOMGAPAO is a healthier choice; quick, great-tasting, good quality at reasonable price. A Thai Streetfood that people can enjoy everyday. New standard for Thai Streetfood should be quicker and cheaper. At MOOMGAPAO, a good decent meal could be cooked less than 4 minutes. It is all about good preparations and chefs are not required.